Vision & Responsibility
Our vision is to be the most preferred paper supplier in Indonesia and to be internationally competitive - creating success through quality, fairness and innovativeness with a deep concern for the environment. As its mission, Star Paper aims to be recognized as the most successful in products & services in its sector, achieve a sustainable return on capital, cultivate competent, innovative & ethical workforce, and care for the environment and the community. Thus, we are constantly strives to improve and be a customer-oriented, market-led company where the satisfaction of customers, the personal development of employees and respect for local communities and the environment are seen as being inseparable from the aim of creating value for the shareholders.

Imbued by the philosophies of SPS group, our company has become more conscious and concerned about how we affect all our stakeholders, both internal and external. Our people remain to be our competitive advantage. Our employees are continually guided by the company's core values and are dedicated to make sure that stakeholder’s demand for high quality products and efficient services are met. Star Paper does not only focus on manufacturing packaging paper but also ensures that its processes also minimizes and re-uses waste and by-products as its commitment to environmental preservation. Aside from the environmental issues, we are also care for the community, education assistance, academic consultation workshops and values enhancement activities to further cultivate knowledge and social responsibility bringing sustainable future to our next generation leaders. With our people at the forefront, Star Paper is ready to face the challenges of the future.

Desa Manduromanggunggajah, Manduromanggunggajah, Ngoro 61385, Mojokerto - Indonesia
Ph 62 321 681 9788     Fax 62 321 681 8688
Ph 62 31 371 2630     Fax 62 31 371 2671